I think my karma is moving in a better direction. Today there were only 2 more new accident files to hit my desk and I managed to clear 5 of them off of it. Things are looking up! And it was yummy chicken souvlaki at Uncle Nick's today. Life is goooooood. I plowed through a couple rows of my Hippy last night. I did bring the digicam home so I hope to have pics up of WIP by Monday. Or sooner if I have to go into the office this weekend. I'm avoiding that because it's a weekend and it's a monthend. Super, super busy and I feel I should just stay outta there! I'll just get in the way, right? Tomorrow is new hair day! Yipee! I'll stop by the Women In Need mission store and see if there are any new things there that need a home. I did manage to score last time. I may get lucky twice. Also the neighbours are getting together for a yard sale on Sunday. I'm gonna go check it out. We got some cool neighbours and I bet they got some cool stuff! I was hoping to hear from Terri today. As she should be driving by on the way to her fab-o vacation. But if it was me I think I might be so anxious to get there that I'd forgo the visit and stop by on the way back. I miss her blogging. Especially after I tuned into Amazing Race last night! So far the only annoying ones are the models. Can you say "Beatch"? I myself cannot wait to go on our little vay-cay. See why?
Did I do something wrong in my previous life? 3 more accident files hit my desk today. I've lost all motivation. Seriously sucks. On a good note, W was by today. He's a big, ol' red faced Newfie, with the accent and a riot! All the girls admitted today that they have a little crush. Including myself. Good thing he came by otherwise I may have just laid myself under a truck and given up! Just kidding! No knitting news! It was kinda date night here. The guy brought home a movie, some wine and made me dinner. He's the best! He was well rewarded for such due care and attention. Snicker Snicker. I talked to my mom yesterday and we'll be staying at her cabin when we go on vacation. That way we can slave away at our place and not have to clean up to make dinner. Now we can leave it and come back to it later. Mom's property is waterfront and they've raised their bed so it looks out the window onto the water. Sweet! Kinda like a B&B with a ton of work thrown in! I still can't wait! Me and the girls go beaching it.
Can you believe 4 more accident files hit the desk today? Is it bumper car season out there? Is there something someone's not telling me? Sheesh. All I managed to get done today was entering the reservations in for the Vancouver International Jazz Festival. Seemed like the most important thing to me. After all I'm lobbying for free passes. I really do believe that some folks don't have hamsters to run the wheel upstairs. More proof today. Maybe it's on crack. Who knows? But please, GET ONE! Only about 4 rows done on the Hippy last night. My hand still hurts a bit. Tonight the guy has off so we'll hang out. It's nice. Sometimes I feel I don't get to spend enough time with him. Sometimes when he has a night off on a Friday or Saturday I feel it cramps my style. Not that I have one, but those are the nights I have all to myself. I have my knitting laid out and my TV remote ready and my glass of wine and I get to do whatever I want. It's all about me. Har har. I remembered to call my father for his birthday! Milestone! I always forget his, he always forgets mine. It's really the only way to tell we're related! He sounds well and is planning on going in to have his knees rebuilt next month. I'll believe that when I see him out of the hospitall all bandaged up. For a doctor he's a bit of a wuss. Do I have a pic today? How about one of where we'll be off to next week!
Blogger driving me slightly mental. My guy is pretty smart. Usually when I get home I hit the computer to read all my blogs, write mine and gear down from the day. Today when I got home he was in the office at the computer chair but doing nothing with the computer. It made me antsy, anxious and slightly sweaty! I wanted nothing more than to be at that computer! He wasn't doing anything with it, why was he there? I guess I was pacing around a bit when he looked up and said "You want me outta here now, don't you?" He's so quick. I love him. Ella-poo is milking her bandage for all it's worth! She'll come into the room look at you and raise her bandaged leg. C'mon dog! I'm impervious to those eyes! Well, okay, just one cookie. I'm so relieved that it's so far nothing serious. Terri is almost off on her vacation! I'm very excited for her! I hope to meet her! She and her big fella should be driving within 5 kms of my place on their way to rest and relaxation. I'm bribing them with homemade latte's and very cute puppy dogs and a chit chat about knitting. I'm sure the big fella and the guy will have a lots to contribute to that conversation! Har har! I wish folks would stop wrecking their rental cars. Today, no word of a lie, I received 4 more accident files. That's 4 more hours of work on top of the 10 I have on my desk now. Eeeewww. I think I may hit the office on Sunday. Then again that seriously cuts into my knitting time. Hm. Descisions, descisions. Isn't this pup a cutie. This is Dixie!
I'm a little worried today. My furkid Ella has a lump on her left dog wrist. I noticed it a couple weeks ago when we had the thunderstorm. I was holding her in my lap and stroking her legs when I noticed it. It was just a tiny bump about the size of the head of a quilter's pin. It's grown about double that size in such a short time and now I can see it poking out of her fur. I'm hoping it's just a dog wart. Either way we are all off to the vet tonight at 8pm. Please, if you read, send us your white light and positive thoughts. I post an update when we get home later. I'm only about 3 inches into the front of my Hippy. Yesterday I whacked the back of my left hand against a doorknob and now it's uncomfortable to knit. I may have to take it easy for a couple days. But then again I did take an Advil today and it feels so much better. Maybe I'm having the onset of arthritis? I don't know. I may take my knitting along to the vet to relieve some stress. I figured out that it took me a month to complete my LoTech. The way the Hippy is rocking along I should be done before we leave for holidays In two weeks. Yep. I'm on holidays in 2 weeks! Granted it won't really be a holiday as we have a ton of work to do. We had a giant windstorm at our summer camp and it knocked down 11 trees on our lot. Squashing our little cookhouse shed and nearly squashing the main shed. You can see what I'm talking about and how far we've gotten here. Update later. Send her your love. Update: Just a dog wart. Phew. But you would have thought it was dog slaughter when she got the local anaesthetic. All gone now. Thanks for the good thoughts.
8 Mile. Or should I say 8 more rows till I finish the back of my Hippy sweater. Please take a moment. I did that link myself with no computer aid whatsoever. I decided to change the armhole decreases. It called for binding off 2 stitches on either side every 4 rows. I didn't like the hole it was making on the purl side and I was having anxiety about how I was going to join that stairway of stiches to the sleeve. I'm a sewer first so straight lines make me happy. We'll see how it goes. I ended up doing a K2 SSK SSK on the right side and K2TOG K2TOG K2 on the left side of the row. I like the way the left side looks. Right side doesn't completely match stich wise. Hard to explain I'll have to take a picture. I did double check my knit bible and I'm doing it right. I noticed my good net friend Terri has new hair. I'm a bit jealous. But I'll have new hair next week. It made me think of all the different hair I've had in the last while. I'll be back with a pictorial a little later. Hair pictorial. Changing styles of the last couple years. I can see that it hasn't really changed. Shorter and longer. Hm. What am I going to do next week?
Feeling so much better. It may have been something we ate as the guy was kinda feeling the same way. Anywho, it's all over. The phone has finally quieted down at work. I've actually had time to some other parts of my job. I filed at least 6 accident reports yesterday. Mostly just dinted bumpers or scratches but they have to get estimated so we can bill them out. There was a doozy of a stolen vehicle though. $10,000 damage! I think the company that rented it will have to pay for the damage. Yikes! Double check that you have some form of coverage before you rent a car! I've seen too many times where someone says 'I'm only driving 2 miles, I don't need it.' And then has an accident. I always tell people that it's not them that I'm worried about, it's the other prople that may hit him. Nobody needs that kind of financial headache. I'm a firm believer in you can never be over-insured! I was supposed to go get new hair today but there was a scheduling conflict with the guy and our car. So my wonderful hair guru has rescheduled me for next week. She's the best. I've been a client of hers for at least 10 years. I drive about 30 kms out of Vancouver to see her. She's in Maple Ridge. Well worth the drive. Thank goodness she moved! It used to be a 100 kms round trip to her place in Mission! My little sister stopped by yesterday. She's looking good! She's lost at least 75-100Lbs I think. She was really overweight. Her doctor decided that a weight drug might help her. And it seems to be working. I think it may have affected her brain though. She's moving out of Mom and Dads (which is a good thing) to Burnaby. Right by where I work actually! But that puts her at least 75 kms from her work. One way! She says she's going to look for other work. Shouldn't you do that before you move? eh, whatever. Oh yeah, knitting. I'm at the armhole decreases on the back of my Hippy sweater. Here's a question. When you bind off the stitches, you do one side knit wise, finish the row, turn the work, then bind off the other side purlwise, right? How do you avoid the little hole that happens when you do the purlwise side? I'll get a pic and post what I mean. I may have to check my knit bible and see what it has to say. Maybe I've been doing it wrong all this time. We shall see. Here's my mom's grey, Cole. Very handsome don't ya think?
Queasy, queasy, queasy. Eewww. I don't like being sick like this. So far no upchuck. Just an all around yucky, rumbly, burpy tummy. I stayed home yesterday and came home early the day before. I went to bed and only got up for American Idol for the last 2 days. I know, it's sad. I did watch 'Adaptation' last night during American Idol. Pretty interesting stuff. On with American Idol. If they're trying to find a 'pop' singer why are they singing shlocky songs that are 40 years old!? Neil Sedaka? And the lame arrangements with all the strings and ugh, ew, yuck, blek. How about they have a night of the songs of Kurt Cobain? At least his music is semi current. How are they going to market them? Is there a market for songs that are really old? There were some keepers but puh-leaze. Thank goodness I had something else to watch or I may have well just turned it off and said 'Fuck it'. Kelly Clarkson, sweetie, you sound tired and I think one of the reasons your album sells so well is because they made over a million copies TO sell. I hope they don't destroy you. Be strong! By the way. Ruben, you are too cute! Clay, off to Broadway! I started a new sweater. I'm making a v-neck pullover with long bell sleeves out of the orange I bought for Sitcom Chic. Already about 6 inches into the back! Rocking along. Also figure I will have to make at least 4 more LoTech's. I cannot get myself out of this thing! It is so comfy and so fab! Gawd! I love it. Can't take anymore pictures of me in it till my face clears up. Man, I thought that when you were over 30 at least no zits would be something to look forward to. Now they're just once in a while but they seem to be those monster ones that stick around for a week and make your face ache. Sigh. How about this for a wrap? Ella-fanella!
I'm still alive! Really! Long weekends are so busy! I spent Saturday at Mom's recovering a chair. Then on Sunday I went to the Arts Club Patio Party in the afternoon/evening. Too much fun and beer there. Monday I slept in and then spent a quiet day with the guy and the pups. A family day. Nice weather for it! I also got to finish my LoTech! I debuted it Sunday afternoon sans pockets because I couldn't wait to wear it! This pics a bit fuzzy but I think you'll get the idea. By the way that's a goofy beer grin. Buckets of beer were $10. Better pics later in the week. I did put the pockets on on Monday and I'm thrilled. I think it looks like a first sweater but I don't give a shit. I made it and I love it. Now I can't figure out what to do next. I'm having trouble figuring out the guage required for the '59 cardigan. It calls for 8 stitches and 11 rows to 1 inch square. But it doesn't indicate what needle size that's on! The pattern calls for #1(2.5mm), #2(3mm) and #3(3.25mm). I may actually gague all three needle sizes on that one. Who am I kidding?! Yuck. I may do the asymetrical pullover out of the Summer 2003 Vouge Knitting. Right now my neck is so kinked up it's making me nauseous (?) and this computer stuff isn't helping. Monk, being the handsomest kitten ever.
Long Weekend! No work for 3 days! Oh wait, I forgot I have keys to a car in my pocket. Damn, that means I'll have to stop by the office tomorrow. Maybe I'll get the guy to drop them off on his way to work. Hmmmm. Sneaky. We're having a lot of thunder and lightning here the last couple days. Unfortunately it turns Ella into a quivering, panting, pacing pile of dog jello. Poor pup. She spends most of her time hiding in the office like this. The other one, Sarah, could care less. She runs to the window to see where the big truck went. Kinda like this. Tonight I get the buttonbands on my LoTech right! This is what happened the last couple days. Blocking. My first seam. All so exciting! I also found this on my doorstep. eBay is a wonderful thing. $6! I'm bonkers about clothes and styles of the 40's and 50's. Ahhh, to wear a hat everyday. I love hats! And all those fab dresses and silver, round, futuristic appliances! Swell! I think I'm going to make a little cardi out of this mag but out of that crazy orange Cotton-Ease. I think it will be retro enough but fashion forward with the cotton yarn. I'll see if I can get the scanner to work and I'll post my next project. Off to knit and comfort my pooper!
Ugh. I'm suffering something I call 'Knitter's Neck'. I've been hunched over my LoTech doing all the seaming. But it was worth it! I used the mattress stitch and it turned out beautifully! Thanks Terri! Pics tomorrow. I started the buttonbands then ripped it out. The patten says to pick up about 100 stitches. Guess what? 90 doesn't quite get there. So tomorrow I'll finish those bands and by Sunday I should be off to the market in my new hoodie! Even the guy told me it was lovely. Man, he's a keeper. I haven't figured out how to get the phone to stop ringing at work. P had to go to a meeting today but didn't schedule anyone to take his place until 10am. Hello...we're super busy in the morning! I spent most of the day on the counter helping out customers and dealing with issues that I knew couldn't wait till he got back and put them aside to deal with later. Much later. Meanwhile the phone kept ringing! Argh! Got to see my doctor today to have a persciption refilled. I love my doctor. He's a pretty cool guy. Nice to have found someone I trust not just for the diploma on the wall. Off to bed. TGIF! Today was SHIT (Sorry Honey, It's Thursday)
It's pretty tough to be asked 'What do you feel like for dinner?' and get a 'I don't want that.' for every suggestion you made. I wonder what we'll be having? LoTech is now blocking! Thanks to Terri and her links I've got the right stitch for the job of seaming! I'll finish the last pocket tonight and start seaming tomorrow. Ooooo. I cannot wait! What the hell am I gonna do next though. I (think I) decided not to make my Sitcom Chic out of this. I'm unsure. I love the orange but I think I'll never wear it. Maybe I'll use this to make a sweater for my friend's girl. She's really crazy about orange and purple. I'm not 100% but we shall see. If you lose your rental car it most probably is because you parked where you weren't supposed to. I'm getting really good at knowing which tow companies patrol what areas. I found the car and was asked by the customer if we were going to pay for the tow. Uh...no, you parked there! Gotta give him something for trying. Cutie Pie.
Away for a day. Nothing to report really. Work is still mental. Phone still ringing off the hook! Today JC made a comment at work that it smelled like hamster shavings. If you've been reading, I make comments about hamsters all the time! It sent me over the edge! I laughed so hard I started to cry! It still make me chuckle now! Why slave at a job that's no fun? LoTech is downstairs in it's damp towel overnight before I block it tomorrow. I've finished one pocket and the other pocket is on the needles about an inch in. I really feel that I could finish it by the weekend! Please turn out nice...please. I have to read up about how to sew it together. What stitches to use and such. This is my first project for myself that I feel proud enough to wear. Aside from a couple scarves an hats that have no seaming whatsoever. Wish me great things! It's hard to type with a kitty cat licking your hands. Why do they do that? She's so cute. Always my Baby Bud.
What a lovely Mother's day. My mom called me this morning to wish ME a Happy Mother's Day! She figured I'm the best mom two retired racing greyhounds could have. I hate it when she beats me to the punch. I figured she would be at church and I would call her in the afternoon. Not so, she caught me before lunch on the computer. Gosh, I love my mom. I love the guy's mom too. The folks spent most of the day here. I just knitted and chatted with mom while the boys hit the home improvement store to get some turf to repair the bald spots in the lawn. Then I got to make dinner. I got to man the BBQ! Now that doesn't happen very often! I managed to char the edges of the chicken just enough for dad. Last time they visited dad treated us to charred, rock hard, overdone steaks. I love him but I don't think he'll be the grill man anymore. I did get 1/2 of the hood done on my LoTech! I think I may be wearing it by the weekend. I'll send a picture of me in the finished sweater to Bonne. I hope she'll be proud. She's done so much to inspire me. I hope that one day I may meet her. Who knows? Could happen. Survivor...I just don't know anymore. I have to admit that while I was watching Jenna became a real person. I saw that she could be a good person. Was it editing? I still think Matt was the better player. Next one looks good. I wish I was still an American citizen then I would try out. Wait a minute...when I took my Canadian citizenship the American Consulate told me that I would always be considered an American. Do I have a chance? We'll see if they ever do a Survivor: Canada. I think Northern BC is a fine consideraton for a location. Freeze your heinie off at night ! No goin' naked there! The mosquitos are the size of B-52 bombers! I let the girls onto the back lawn today. Usually we have it fenced off because they tear around and shred it. I could hear Sarah under the cedars at the back snuffling around. When I wandered out to look I found a hole halfway to China! Looks like they go out back and dig, dig, dig. I love those dogs. They must be having a great life here. What's not to love? Sarah, the excavation Queen!
It takes courage and determination to wax body parts at home. Ouch! A few weeks ago we asked our landlord to see if he could get garden guys in to power rake the lawn. We're having some lawn problems. Over the years the lawn has sunk in some spots and we had moss like crazy! So they came and did all they had to do. It was really great. Today I was thinking I should mow the lawn. It was looking a little long. As I was standing in the living room looking out the window contemplating the lawn mower, a grey van pulled up and out came the garden guys! I thought it was a one shot deal but I guess not. Now the lawns are all mowed and lovely and I didn't have to lift a finger. I don't think I'm gonna tell the guy about the garden guys. I'll let him think I'm the best girlfriend ever. Heee. Tonight I should finish the 2nd sleeve on my LoTech. Tomorrow I'll block the main pieces and do the hood and the edging. I did all the laundry today so I have nothing to do tomorrow except knit! Woo Hoo-o-oo-o oh...it's Mother's Day. I could take my knitting along with me to lunch, couldn't I? Monk-ey says 'Yeah, sure you could.'
I learned today that having your copy of The Vagina Monolouges out in the open may cause your mother-in-law to almost have a stroke.
Now I don't have to talk about the Canucks till next year. At least my Bertykins scored a goal. Yeah Bert! It's amazing how no matter how old you are you revert to earlier patterns in your life in certain situations. I'm hiding in the computer room and I can hear the guy talking with his parents. A lot of 'Yes, Mum' and 'Uh-huh, Dad' Poor guy looks tired today. I think the stress of having them here is making him cranky. And they've only been here 2 days! And they're not staying with us! Will we make it? Survivor: Thank Goodness! Boobsie Twin One-Gone! I do think Jenna's going to be twice as annoying without her sidekick Heidi. And what is up with this Mastermind talk? She's not even a master of her own mind! It's still crazy busy at work. I had to break down and take an aspirin at lunch. The phone has been going off the hook and with multiple lines it causes headaches. I'm sure I've left important information on all the phone logs around the office. I'll look for it on Monday...maybe. Dude, where's my catnip?
While I was sneakily logging on at work today I forgot to do my "WooHoo! Josh is gone from American Idol dance!" I think it'll be a Clay vs. Ruben showdown. Rooooooben! And since I'm at home, it's picture time. This is my super score from the Women In Need mission store. This is all Rowan yarn. The top row and right side is DK weight wool. Next is (I think) a raw silk. Last is the kid/silk mohair. All this 15 bucks. She shoots! She Scores! C'mon Canucks!
I still don't want to talk about the Canucks. Good News! My father looks like he's going to be okay! Just a bleeding ulcer. Phew. It was funny, I called him at the hospital and woke him up. He quipped that the doctor's wrong, he must be dying because all the kids have called! Also the guy's parents arrived yesterday from Red Deer, Alberta. So nice to see them! We pulled in some favours and managed to get them a suite on the 32nd floor of a hotel that overlooks Stanley Park and English Bay. They were moved to tears. They just thought it was so great! And then we arranged to have champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries sent up to welcome them. We are good kids, I think. The guy wanted to something really special for them this time. I think he's done it. No LoTech advancement as there's been too much going on. But I did score some knitting goodies. The guys mom brought out all the knitting needles and knitting stuff that she had around for me. Such a nice thing to do! She said she wanted them to go to someone who would use them and treasure them as they have been in the family for a long time. She doesn't knit anymore as her eyesight is failing. Made me all teary, she did. No pics today. As you can tell I'm sneaking online time at work.
I don't want to talk about the Canucks. Today I came home to find a Rottie at my back gate. The gate I use to enter the yard. The access to the door to get into the house. I can't go in through the front because the lock's all screwy and all the key does is turn the whole lock mechanism in the cylinder. It's the guys friends dog and I've heard a story about her chomping the butt of his ex-wife's boyfriend. I didn't have any cookies in my bag so I hung around outside for a while. Calling into the house, 'Hey, I'm home!' No response. So I called my brother on the cell and chatted for a while. Then my girls came out and made a ton of commotion in the yard. Barking and rooing and whining. Still no response from inside. By now I'm a bit miffed. JD, the rottie, was giving me her sad puppy eyes but I wasn't falling for it. I managed to get the front door lock to work. On my call to the brother (one of the many) he told me that my father had been admitted to the hospital for some tests. I called the hospital but he was in testing. I think he's going to try to go home after but I'm not sure. I'll try again later. Many good thoughts for nothing serious. My boss was back today! I was so glad to see him. And I really think the phone went crazier when the word started to get around that he was back! He took the ladies in the office for lunch. We were hoping for Uncle Nick's Souvlaki Special but we got McDonald's. Ugh. All because he wanted the fruit and yogourt thingy. He is so funny! American Idol: Please people...it's a singing contest! Pick the best singer! Ella. Charmed, I'm sure.
LoTech Sleeve #1 Look at that cool thing the yarn did near the ribbing! It's a circle of burgundy. I thought it was kinda neat. I also lengthened the called for sleeve length by an inch. I've got gorilla arms and nothing irks me more than sleeves that don't fit right. I start sleeve #2 tonight. Tonight could be the night. The Canucks could win the series! YaHoo! I just hope that the hooligans can keep their shit together and not wreck the town with their 'celebration'. Extra police will be out tonight to quell any violence. For those who can't remember, there was a riot in '94 when the Canucks lost. Stupid people. I had friends that were downtown that night and told the funniest story. They said that after the game they went to get pizza. So there they are sitting on the curb in front of the pizza place. They said they could see some commotion down the street but didn't think anything of it. Until the tear gas canisters started landing in front of them! They said it was like a John Woo film. All slow motion. Scary stuff. They got out of there quick before the mob descended. Guess what? They were in a van from my work. I was also glad to see my van back in one piece. Go Canucks Go! I am so glad my boss is back tomorrow. Finally this afternoon I got to turn to T and say "Can you hear that? It's so quiet..." Holy Crap does the freaking phone ring alot! I can't imagine that he takes all those calls on his cell. I guess he does. Even more folks wanted me to call him on his vacation. Hello people...would you like to be called on your vacation? I think it can wait a day! I'm also having an issue with staff that have been there long enough to know better making the same mistakes over and over. It's the proper procedure and if you do it the same way all the time you'll never do it wrong! *sigh* Sometimes I feel like my Monk
Not much going on around here today. The weather is crappy. Grey, rainy and dreary. The only good thing to see in it is that all the moisture in the air here will keep me looking 10 years younger than I am! LoTech marches along. I'm at the 1st sleeve raglan decreases! I should be able to start the second sleeve tonight. After I finish all the laundry and do the dishes and clean the bathroom and make the bed and and and. Today's pic My new car from work. I think my boss ordered the LX model thinking it was the lux model like I had last year. Honda should change this model name to the SX as in SUX! It's missing a few of the options I had fallen in love with on the other car. Sigh. Who am I to complain!? This is a benefit! I do love the new baby car. It is such a pretty colour!
Amazing how a good night's sleep can improve your outlook on life. My Canucks rock on! Bert's big butt was in full swing last night and won the game! Woo Hoo! LoTech is moving along. I've got 1/4 of the 1st sleeve done and am remembering to increase where I'm supposed to. The Addi Turbos make it smooth like buttah! Nothing else to report as I slept for most of the time since yesterday! Here's trouble Ella, my mom's dog Cole and Sarah
Ugh. I'm not allowed to go out and play with my brother on a work night. I agreed to go with him to see his co-workers band. I figured if he was going to make the effort to drive an hour into town that I could make the effort to accompany him. After we saw the one band we went to see the guy's band. Out way too late and drank way too much beer. I did manage to get to work on time. My brother took a sick day. A 'planned in advance' sick day. Bastard. Why does the phone ring so much at work? Why do people ask silly questions when I have no patience for them? Why is my head pounding? Why does everyone want their car delivered? Why? Why? Why? I did take my lunch at the Burnaby Knitworks. I went with the sole purpose of getting some Addi Turbos in steel. I have 5mm bamboo ones but they seem to have a chip or rough spot on one of the tips and it's driving me batty! I bought them over a year ago and I don't have the receipt so don't tell me to take them back. 5 people did that already today. Thanks for your well placed concern for my finances. Not a good day for it. I also picked up some buttons for my LoTech. I didn't have any yarn or the swatch (that I never did) with me. I guessed at the best matching buttons. Hot Damn I'm good! Perfect match and I love it! Also picked up a bigger stitch holder. Total $25 bucks. I didn't leave with any yarn. I did fondle it all before I left though! Bwaaaa! I have no Survivor comment. Other than sheee-it. Canucks tonight! My Bertie's feeling better and should mow down everyone out there! My other brother calls to mock my Canucks. (Yes, B. I get your messages) We'll show him. Where are his precious Sharks? Huh? Not in the playoffs! Neener, neener, neener! Note to anyone reading I have a million brothers and sisters in my family. I'll put up a family flow chart to avoid confusion. Pic today...hmm. How about Buddy? And her friend Sarah who licks out Bud's ears. Eeeewwww.
Good News! The guy's truck breakdown was due to a clogged fuel filter. Repair cost 2 bucks. Phew. It was girl day at work today! Well, the manager's a man but... It was so nice. All the girls in the office are on the same vibe. Get everything done and then slack off. Help each other out when needed and don't have to ask. And have fun! I was heading back into the office today after helping someone inspect their truck. As I came through the door there was a couple coming in behind me. I held open the door for them and announced "Look what I found outside! Customers!" Ha ha ha. It's crazy busy though. My boss is on vacation for a week and that phone issue is happening again. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. It never ends! Can you believe people want me to call him on his vacation? Hello folks, I think I am capable of taking your reservation! I know you all love him but please...give him a rest. He's deserves it! I have T coming in tomorrow to give me a hand and lordy I need it. Even if it's just to answer the phone. Next time the boss goes away I offer extra shifts to help me out. LoTech news. I finished the right front! Sleeve #1 started. Woo Hoo! American Idol is seriously fucked up. Maybe it's just the Americans voting. No stars today, I had to say it out loud. Are people voting for chunky butt Josh out of patriotism? Maybe to keep him out of Iraq? Who the hell knows. I have no idea what will happen on Survivor tonight. Rob's not going to be popular. But was he ever, really? Last thing. Why does Morning Glory grow everywhere? Why do you rip it out and it's back in the same spot the next day twice as big? I'm resistant to chemicals killers with the furkids. So I believe that rip, rip, rip will turn out to be my summer stretch and exercise plan. Today's pic is Ella. "Mom..puhlease..."