Knit and the City

Doesn't the title say it all? I'm a 30 something knitter on the West Coast. Expect to read about my life with the guy, two ex-racing greyhounds and a couple of crazy cats!


I'm back. What fabulous weather we've had on every trip. All sun and no rain. The day we arrived it was overcast and a little cool. Nice to travel in with dogs. Then we had sun and fun for the next 4 days! We got a ton of stuff done. I think one more trip where we stay in Mom and Dad's place then we're back to our quiet grotto. I can see it coming together. Hell, I could be there next week! Poor Ella, it's a really windy road in the middle of our trip. The guy was winding around a bit hard making me a bit sick to my stomach. Granted we ate no dinner the night before. We just drank and watched to moon go down while we sat on a log on the beach laughing our asses off at stupid stuff that we say to each other. Poor pup was getting restless in the back of the car and when I looked back she gave me that watery, fish eyed look and I told the guy to pull over NOW! Pupchuck. Eeeeewwww. And we had no paper towels to clean up. Thank doG! I keep that roll of toilet paper in the console. The guy always thought it was for a roadside pee. Not so! Amazing the uses for TP. I finally told him that the lil sis works for me. He is not impressed that I kept it from him. He was hurt but I think I'm forgiven. I know I'll spend a few extra months in purgatory for that but that's what it's there for, right?


Holy Hectic, Batman! I really hate leaving the office when there are these issues but I know if I don't go to the island now that I'll never get there again until next summer. I'm sure the office won't explode. Wait a minute...we've got gas pumps there...Aaaaarrrrggghhh! You know, I haven't told the guy yet that lil sis is working with me. The funniest is that he calls and gets her on the phone and doesn't recognize her voice! So last night he says "Who's D------e? I've called and got someone new a couple of times" I just said that she was Big B's new Admin Assistant. I'm going to burn in hell aren't I? I really can't wait to get out of here and sleep a whole night through. I wake up at night thinking of the turmoil in the office then I can't get back to sleep. Hopefully after all the construction I'll just pass out from exhaustion. You never know. I'll see you all in a week with some new pics and stories galore!


I really don't like getting up so early in the morning for work. I love the smell of the cooler weather as soon as I step out the door at six in the morning. I guess that makes up for the hell of having to get out of bed! Work is Hell. I'm still having new guy issues so I sent an email off to the owner. Today new guy was much better. Hmmmm. Does he think I don't know the owner told him to get it together or we were going 'to vote him off the island'? Also found out the Little Miss Lazy Ass went crying to him about my other staff picking on her. She even had her husband come in to tell him about how she comes home crying sometimes. Sheeeiiit. She just doesn't like the fact that we're a Dr. Phil office. We tell it like it is. If you screw up, we're gonna tell you. Learn from your mistake and move on. Follow through on your work and do your job right, there's no problem. I understand her mother is going to call the owner and tell him to do something about it. Whatever. If you have a problem with a co-worker figure it out or go to the manager to mediate it. Or just grow up and deal with it like an adult. Work is Good. Got a call from the girl in the office who has the crush on the customer who always flirts with her. It's all good. She called to thank me for giving them both the 'push' they needed. They've had a couple dates and really like each other! Aaaawwww, isn't that sweet. But guess who's going to get blamed if they break up? We're off to the island again for 6 days! Woo Hoo! We'll finish up the cabin and close it up for the winter. I hope that we will go up for Christmas but it may be really cold. Thank god we have dogs for extra warmth! Sarah loves to snuggle.


Ahhh...'All Things Ande' comes to a close. Boy was it fun. I am missing my guy though! My mom never came to visit so I went a little crazy and cleaned. Like CLEANED! I did all the blinds, the kitchen, vacuumed all the dust bunnies, tossed out all the back issues of Victoria's Secret (someone's going to be upset about that) went through the front closet and tossed anything I hadn't worn in a year. Good Lord I had dresses in there from HIGH SCHOOL! WTF is up with that? I also went through my dresser and closet. I don't have a lot of clothes anymore. I was brutal. Anything that was frayed or didn't fit well, gone! The Developmental Diabetes Association or the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Charities are going to be very happy. Even though I got so much done I couldn't part with my shoes. I love them all. Dearly. I found the puppers toybox at the bottom of a closet and there really was no point to cleaning up. There are toys everywhere! I've been so busy I haven't knit a stitch. I did pick up a copy of the latest Knitter's. The one with all the cables. Looks interesting! I'm making the guy homemade pasta sauce for dinner. Just because he's the best.


Ahh, I love these times. The guy is away for the weekend and that means it's 'All Things Ande' time. I eat what I want to eat. Stinky cheese, Artichokes, Pickles, Boconccini and tomatoes, KD and whatever else tickles my fancy! I do what I want to do. So far I've used the dehydrator and took care of those plums on our tree. I also picked up some apples and some basil to do as well. Currently in the oven is an attempt at raspberry fruit leather. Also set aside are some lemons, rosemary and sea salt for a special seasoning salt. I've got The Blind Boys of Alabama cranked on the stereo and I'm still in my PJ's. Life is good. You know what? If I feel like a beer before noon. I'm going to indulge! I'm thinking of rearranging the bedroom. If my mom comes over. She wanted me to come out but I asked if she would come out here. I got things to do and today's my last day to put the finishing touches on someone's birthday present and to send my mousies to Wendy. Most of all though I have to do laundry and do some knitting on something. I may start something new. All those cool patterns in the fall Knitty. What's a girl to do? I know what to do. I'm going for a tub soak. Here's to a guilty pleasure overload!


What is going on? I think I'm over 30 with an opinion! I'm turning into my older sister. We have a regular customer who comes in and flirts like crazy with one of the girls. She flirts right back and swears to all of us he's the cutest thing ever. Quote "If he asked me out, I'd be there in a second!" I will admit he is cute and his ears turn red when he talks to her. So he was in yesterday and I just blurted out "When are you gonna ask her out to dinner? C'mon man, you can't be that dense. She likes you!" He turned beet red and I felt a little bad for embarrasing him. Not really though. He's even cuter when he blushes. So today I had to tell the girl in our office what I did. It was one of those things that was going to be really good or really bad. It was fine. She was mortified that I had said anything but I just explained that I was over 30 and couldn't stand to see two good people wasting their time dancing around and not getting anything done. Sheesh. I gotta shut my mouth sometimes. Lil' sis is probably as tired as I am right now. At least she'll sleep well. As will I. After "Survivor" that is! I'm sooooo excited. And the guy has the night off so we get to share it! WooHoo! Hey, the guy got his web site up. You can go see him here. I hope you have speakers! I'm so proud. 3 weeks ago he decided that he wanted to do it. He did it all himself and prior to this had no idea what to do. Look what he did! The guy's a keeper. My Ella-poo is hopping around on 3 legs again. I think the change in the weather makes the leg that she broke stiff. I'll have to massage it later for her.


Rental Tip #3-Never,ever, ever put your credit card down for someone else's rental car. No matter who! All these years I always see the same thing. It just goes bad. Today a mom called, she rented for her daughter to come visit her in Alberta. It was supposed to be a weeks rental. Daughter hasn't returned the car. We're heading into week 4. We're talking a cool grand. Nice kid. Am I a hard person to work for? Most of my staff, past and present, say I'm the best boss they've ever had and that they learned a lot from me. I think what I expect most is enthusiasm. So when the monkeys don't fly out your butt, I get worried. And I ain't talking the little sister. Lil' sis is sticking to the game plan. I've made her work the same hours as me. Read 'slave hours' and she's sucked it up and been good. I do have to work on her expression when she's confused. It's a little Gomer Pyle. I like having her there. I also have to get her to stop saying 'Mom' and start saying 'Diane'. Everyone knows she's my sister but...I'd rather she not beat it over people's heads. I want them to forget she's my sister and respect her for her work ethic and her ENTHUSIAM! I had the nicest comment from a customer today. He said "I was treated so well here last time I rented that I had to come here again!" How nice was it to hear that?! Made my day. Here's two other things that make my day. Sarah and Ella.


So far the little sister thing is going strangely well. I told her today if she hated the job it was no big deal to say 'Hey, this ain't for me'. Nope. So far she thinks it's pretty neat. Hey, Look at this! My eBay yarn that took a month to get here. A little stringy but I did a swatch and it is going to be the perfect gauge for the '59 Cardi. It'll only take 3 years to knit it because the needles don't get any bigger than 2.75mm. As you can see the yarn's pretty rinky dinky too. Big B was in the office for about 10 minutes today. And he wasn't answering his phone. Which in turn makes it 3x as crazy in our office. My head's splitting. I think I'm going to go lie down in a quiet place after I make some din-din. Ciao


Well, today was the first day of work with the wacky little sister. I still haven't told the guy. It went really well! She was opening and closing rentals and surfing the system by the days end. I think she may work. She's kinda looking for the way in though. She surfed the net and downloaded a bunch of pics of Halle Berry for the Big B and posted them on his computer so they change every 2 minutes or something. I guess she knows who matters around the office. Hah! No biggie. She will be his assistant after all and if she makes him happy, all the power to her. I really dislike this whole working Sunday thing. It sucks. I'm having a couple other new guy issues again. I don't think you can tell a 'bad' rental from another office not to worrry and that he'll take care of it. Who the hell are you and what gives you the power to comment or control an issue at a different location? It's none of your business! You should be refering the renter to contact the location they rented from. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. We also collected enough pop bottles left in rentals to have a BBQ today! With all the fixings! It was really great and it went over really well. I love my guys at the office. They really are going to be a great team. We have a couple of adjustments to make in the line up but...we may go all the way this year! Weirdo customer today, or maybe it's just me. If they come in with a portable tape recorder and tell you they've taped everything anyone from Budget has told them, are they weird? I'll let you be the judge. I think it's too much Judge Judy! I may knit, I may go to bed. I can't decide. Yawn. Maybe I could knock off another one of these for the Christmas pile.


Manager Appreciation Night was a success! I had a good time and I felt appreciated. That was the point wasn't it? I could get used to the whole limosine thing. They pick you up, they drop you off, they're polite and well groomed, they know where you're going and don't get lost. The dinner was excellent. It was catered by the Four Seasons Hotel. I did think it was weird that they were serving Rack of Lamb with no listed alternate choice. I like lamb but...I know not everyone does. It was nice to get together and dance a little to the big swing band they had. We decided that we're going to Disneyland or New Orleans next year. Right On! And the guy got a gig! All in all it was an enjoyable night. It was so nice to sleep in today. We both woke up really early but then fell back asleep. I always find that that second sleep shift is the best. It's like you hibernated or something. It's heavy and solid. Hey! My eBay yarn finally arrived! I thought for sure it would take over a month but after an email it was on it's way. Only 27 days! Such a stellar vendor! Sheesh. It's a navy blue poly/cotton blend that I think will be perfect for the '59 Cardi. I'm going to swatch today. Yes, I said SWATCH! No milk for coffee today. Thank goodness for French Vanilla ice cream!


I'm having new guy issues today. Okay, okay, okay...I know that you have a lot of experience but you know nothing about how 'our' computer system works. So instead of showing me all your letters of recognition, how about you show me how much recognition you want by learning the system. Instead of sitting in the office. Just a question. I realize I have totally gone mad. I hired my wacky little sister today. Can you believe it? I ran it by the girls and basically said either she cuts it or she doesn't. If she doesn't she's gone. There are no sisterly bonds here. I haven't told the guy yet. I ran it by him once and he thought I was having delusions. Humph...only child syndrome. Tonight we're off to buy the new shawl. I'm wearing my Hippy out on the town! What a great day. TGIF for me. Woo Hoo!


I think I may have to be committed. What was I thinking?! I know what I was thinking. I was thinking 'Queen B'! Even though it's hard work I can see a change in my staff already. Subtle but they seem to be so happy. I'm very proud of them. I have not knitted a stitch. Exhaustion. Today it really rained for the first time in months. It was fabulous. We all got soaked at work but no one gave a damn. It was so wonderful. Not all the accidents it's caused but's still wonderful. Tomorrow's my Friday! Then the big Appreciation Thingy on the real Friday. Rumour has it we're being sent a limo! That should get the neighbours talking. I took out my velvet and satin shawl I had made last year to wear with my simple ankle length dress and found that somehow it had gotten something spilled on it. No wearing that now. The velvet is all discoloured. I may be able to salvage it by doing a funky tie-dye on it but I won't be able to accomplish that by Friday. The guy just shrugged off that I was mad about the shawl. He just thought I should go without it and be happy. At the black tie event with my shoulders exposed and the air conditioning on high. I could catch my death! He went to work and when he came home he said that he was an idiot and he wasn't thinking about how I'd look at all. He said that he saw a girl in a shawl at his gig and it clicked. So I get to go get a new shawl and he pays! I love my boyfriend. He's the best boyfriend ever. New pic. pic as it seems there are more Blogger issues today. Hm.


If you order something on eBay and they're supposed to ship out via UPS, should it take 30 days? Well actually it's day 22 but I'm doubting it will get here before the weekend. I almost missed work today. I was supposed to be there for 6:30am but I somehow managed to turn the volume down on my alarm in my sleep. Is my body trying to tell me something? So I woke up at 6:30 and managed to make it to the office, showered, made up, dressed, coiffed and coffeed by 7:00. I daresay that's a new record. I'm amazed at the sucking up that's going on. It's still me! Why are you sucking up? Is it because you know I'm pissed at your work ethic? Too little, too late. I'm going to miss my coffee brought to me in the AM. No knitting because I watched 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' last night. I loved it! The choreography was stupendous! The ballet of the martial arts! Wow. I was enthralled. Not even the cutie carpenter, Carter over on TLC could drag me away. The girls called tonight wondering if I've fallen off the face of the earth. I've been so busy all summer and now with this Queen B thing they're wondering if I'm deranged. To a certain extent, yes...but I get together with them in the beginning of October. Can you believe it? October. Where is the time going? Lastly...who do you think is responsible for this? This is my knitting pattern binder. All my patterns are nicely filed in protective sheets. Not so nice anymore are they? Thanks Monk!


Guess what? I had to work today. Yuck! It was okay though. Nice and quiet, I did get 8, count 'em, EIGHT accident files off my desk!! WooHoo! I also had forgotten all the other things that there are to be done in an office. It's been a lot of years but I think we managed okay. Little Miss Lazy was on her best behaviour today. We'll see how long it will last. She and I are on the same shifts so I expect it to last for a while. Now if I could get her husband down to 2 calls a day. Granted he's cut back from 15 but still... I do have a headache but I think that's lack of sleep. The guy had the night off so we rented a movie. 'Identity' with John Cusak. I don't like suspense movies. Once the music stops I hide my face and try to plug my ears at the same time. A challenge can't you see?! I remember my father taking me to scary movies when I was a kid and I'd usually end up in the lobby or under his coat, cringing in my seat. My guy held my hand and put a protective arm around me as we watched. Yes, I am no dummy, I know why he got a scary movie. It was a good film. I enjoyed the twists and turns and often we were asking each other 'What the hell?' but the end was great. Never trust the quiet ones. Tired as I've been I've managed to develop new excitement for the guy's Black Acres. It's kinda neat to restart a sweater in the middle. I only have 1/2 a front and the sleeves to finish! Late night. 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' is on tonight but I honestly don't think I'm going to make it. I must go feed my 'goils' and eat something. I'm starved!


Okay...taking over and being Queen of my rental car universe may have been a bit overzealous of me. feet hurt, my back aches, going from a 9 to a 12 hour day...I'm tired. You know what? I really love it. I know that once I get into the swing of things it'll rock. I plan to have a teflon desk. As in, Delegation Rules! No knitting as I'm too tired at the end of the day. It's all I can do to get my feet up! But I will leave you with this.


Busy, busy, busy! I've accepted a new position at work. I will now manage the front office AND do what I have to do to get all those movie moguls hither and yon. It will pay a bit more and it is only temporary. Like a couple years. Maybe less if my new manager in training works well. He's a giant 6'4" guy. I'll call him T. So I say to T yesterday that as it will be his first day in the office he must be early. Not roll in right at 7am. So who rolls in at 7:15? T. Granted he took the wrong exit and got lost but...dammit. The girls were not impressed. Another thing. How often does your husband (boyfriend, partner) call you at work? Mine..once, maybe, if ever. He rarely calls. We have one who calls at least 7 times a day but often it's more than 10. I think that borders on harrassment. Granted you love her her but c'mon! She's been hired to do a job and can't do it if you keep calling and jawing in her ear all the time! Our phones are busy enough. I swear that the other day I took a call from him and said that she was busy with a customer and I'd have her call him back. I just hung up and another line rang. J picked it up and it was him again! Sheesh. My guy is having a bad day. He pulled an 'Ande'. That where you're behind someone who's turning right and you see them go, then you do your left shoulder check and let off the brake. Then you realize he's stopped when you bump into him. Crap. Poor guy. He drives a behemouth of an old truck and there's not a scratch on his truck. He says he destroyed the little hatchback he hit. Granted it was at less than 1 mile per hour but it blew out the hatchback glass and pushed in the bumper and ripped the bumper cover where the hitch hooks are on his truck. I hope whoever he hit doesn't claim grievous bodily harm. Hey, here's some of the stuff I accomplished this weekend! My first mousie! And my first cable! WooHoo! Here's what happened. Sorry, Wendy I don't think you'll get that one. Monk ain't letting it go! Also... These...became... Happy, happy feet! Lastly a pooper pic..I'd love if any readers out there would come up with a caption for this one.


Help me! I'm being overrun with mousies! They're addictive little buggers! So far I've made four. Yup, FOUR! The first one was confiscated as soon as it was stuffed. I used the catnip from the garden that I sundried. Monk is a very happy, munchie hungry kitty. I still have to sew and stuff two more. The third (or second, if you're keeping track) is stuffed away in my knitting bin under the coffee table. Monk keeps attacking the bin trying to get in and eat the yummy mousie! I watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? last night. Ha! It made me laugh out loud! I love the Coen brothers. They make such crazy, quirky films. What was the name of the one with John Goodman and John Tuturro where they were at the hotel and Turturro is the writer with writers block? That was my first Coen experience. God, I hope it was Coen! Been hooked ever since. Anywho, the music in O, Brother is great. The most wonderful thing is it's simplicity. Not like now where everything has to be over produced and overwrought. Where the singers have to run their vocals through an autotuner so it will be absolutely perfect. Sometimes the great moments in music happen because it's not perfect. I have to meet with the owner of the company today to go over some of the things that are in the pipe for the fall. Mainly me taking over and running it and getting rid of the dead hamster. Yipee! Do you think I could knock off another mousie before I go? Hey, you got anything to eat? I got the munchies.