Woo Hoo! The silent auction scarf went for $25!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another -busy- day at the office. Thank goodness the weather was nice. It really improves people's moving moods! We finally got toques at work. We've been asking for them for years. So after we get them the trainer for the company asked us to get a picture of ourselves in our toques. So in my weird sense of humour I tell the girls to put on their best Bob and Doug MacKenzie faces and we'll be hosers in our toques, eh? Now we find out that she wants to use them to show other franchises what we ordered. Hm. I think there may be a reshoot. Very tired after getting home at midnight last night and up again at 6am. I slept through my alarm and had to rush to get to work on time. I -hate- that. I also hate having to bust lil sis for not showing up on time. The shift starts at 9 not 10 past 9. She pulled the snotty attitude with me today when I mentioned it and blamed public transport. That only goes so far, my dear, take a freaking earlier bus!
Argh. I was so proud that I finished the hat for the silent auction ensemble! Too bad it was a waste of time! I used Bonne's beanie pattern and I altered it for the yarn I was using. Problem is I didn't add enough lenth to the brim or main part of it. It looks like a beanie. An old style beanie like the kid in Our Gang wore! Some days I wonder why I knit. I think I'll just take the scarf over and keep the fingerless gloves for myself. The guy thinks they look good so I'll wear them for him. What woman hadn't done that for a man in her life at one time!
How nice not to work for a couple days! I finished my scarf for the silent auction while I was at the doctor's office. Yes, I was knitting in public and I got 2 compliments! I think I may do that more often! Got my flu shot (ow) and the doctor decided I should go for an ultrasound to see why my left ovary is so cantankerous. I'm a little nervous. I also made a pair of fingerless gloves to go with the silent auction scarf but I'm not happy with them. I'm using a worsted weight yarn and it's just too heavy for a project like this. Definitely should have used a DK weight. So I'll sew up the ends and the thumbhole, stuff them and use them as cat/dog toys. Maybe I'll stick a squeaker in there too! Ha Ha! Currently working on the beanie hat to complete the set. I just can't go there with only a scarf. I heard news today that the founder of the rescue organization we got Sarah from has passed away. He will be missed. He did such great work and had such a quirky sense of humour. I'm sure the group will go on but it will never be the same.
I'm taking the day off. I justify it because I'm going to work on Saturday. It's more like a quiet day because I've had a bunch of stuff emailed from the office to do here where it's quiet. If I ever get to it that is. I have a doctor's appointment today to see if we can find out why my ovaries are torturing me. And I'm going to get my flu shot. Word on the news is that this new flu could go pandemic. That's a bit frightening. I've almost finished my scarf for the silent auction and do believe that I could do a hat and mitts before Saturday night. My only comment about Survivor is that what you put out there, whether it be through your speech, your actions, your behaviour, your deeds, will come back to you, good or bad. I try to be and behave the way I'd like others to be towards me. If I put enough 'good' stuff out there some's bound to come back. Have you noticed that miserable people are always having crappy things happening to them? Hm....Jon will get his in the end and I know he's the kind of guy that won't see himself on TV and go "I am such an ass!" and try to change. He's going to be sitting there thinking he's the coolest guy on earth. Sad, isn't it?.
Here's the auction scarf so far. Nice and simple. It's made from Bernat Boa. It comes in some beautiful colourways. I especially love the purply one called 'Parrot'. I can't remember what this one's called. After this I'm going to see if I have time to make a matching hat and fingerless gloves. Going home early today! Yeah! I'm going to stop for Pho for lunch. Life is good.
I must stop work on the Fish Hat because I have to do a project for the silent auction. Here's what I've done so far. I was a bit worried about where to attach the next colour but, once again, dear Terri has come through again. Did I tell you the pattern says 'Beginner +'? Freakin sad, isn't it. Another crazy day at work. One of my car wash guys is sick and lil sis is sick. Makes for mondo work. I was ordered to go on lunch so that's why I'm logging on from work. I also realize that it's month end this weekend. I guess that means no weekend for me. I'll take Friday off but work Saturday and then see if I can get someone to join lil sis and me for Sunday. Yahoo. No wonder I'm tired all the time. I'd take an extra day but I think I'd hear comments from the peanut gallery. I don't know what to do. I'm here all day, almost every day, 12 hours a day and it's not good enough for some people. I gave them the choice when our other girl left whether or not to hire someone or suffer through it and make a bit more money. Everyone voted money but I know they are hating the suffering. What to do? I'm eliminating the suffering and hiring another girl. She'll start in a couple weeks and I hope it will improve some moods around here. I brought my scarf project to work so I guess I get to knit a few rows before I head back!
So I got totally lost picking up the lil sis this morning. I have no idea what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking. That's what was up. I ended up in Westside when I should have just turned left on Main about 10 miles earlier. I managed to find her and get to work on time. Lookee! The Fish Scarf. Working on the hat to this set. I'm still a bit confused by the pattern but I think Terri set me on the right path. We'll find out tonight. I also realized that the Silent Auction is less than a week away and I've made nothing! ARGH! Must start working on that too. Well should go do some work here. TTFN
I spent over 20 minutes at the drug store trying to select an anti perspirant yesterday. There's w-a-a-y-y-y too much selection. One kind I think they should get rid of is baby powder scent. You're a grown up, not a baby! Pick something else! Now my pits smell of watermelon reminiscent of the Hubba Bubba bubble gum I used to chew as a kid. Interesting. I started another hat/scarf set for the Fish at work. I'm doing the Zig Zag set from the last Knit It!. I tried to do it for her last year but I had a problem reading the pattern. (Really? You don't say...) Yet again, my dear e friend Terri came through again. Thank Goodness she's a housewife now and has lots of time to help me with my questions! Ha! I'm working on the Zig Zag scarf and it's rocking along. I wasn't happy with my colour choice at first but after I completed two sections with the two different colours I find I really do like it. It'll bring out the blue in the Fish's eyes. As well as being a little bit phreak-ish. Kinda like her. Lil sis works with me at the office on Sundays. Lil sis doesn't have a car. Busses don't really run until 8-ish which means she didn't get to work last week until about 9. Sidenote: We open at 7am. So to avoid that tomorrow. I'll drag my ass out of bed and go pick her up at 6:15 AM! I figure if I have to suffer, so should she. It's all about equality.
Why do I waste my time watching TV? I loved Rupert! But even I had to admit that in the first 2 minutes I knew he was outta there. I also have to say that I'd like to slap the smirk off Jon's face. He just makes me bristle at the sight of him! I finished my Baby Bear! I decided to give him to my girl at the office who knits. It's her birthday today. She'll really appreciate him. I'll make him a bow before I take him down to the office later today. And of course I'll post a pic of the cute little guy. I felt a little like a plastic sugeon on ExM as I had Baby Bear laid out on the table and I was sewing his little Muzzle on and stuffing it to get it perfect. Then sewing on the nose (Not too big-not too crooked) and fixing up the eyes. He probably could use a little touch up from a board certified surgeon but I think he'll blend in nicely and look 'normal'. Now for the laundry, knitting, shower, knitting, office visit, knitting, dinner, knitting. Looks like I've got my day planned out!
It is my pleasure to introduce my new pride and joy... Burgundy Baby Bear Blob! This is the body including the head and legs. I just have to make him some arms, ears and a nose and I'll be done. A simple seam down that back should finish him off. Very fun to do and really quick. If I wasn't watching so much crap on TV I'd probably be done in an evening. The coolest thing about the pattern is that you change the size of the bear by the gauge of yarn you use. A DK weight will give you a tiny bear, Worsted weight a medium bear and a chunky weight will give you a big bear. I think this is what I'll take for the Food Bank Auction. Sneaking on from work. Got to go!
I've 'met' some great people since I started blogging. I have to publicly thank Terri for helping out her -dumbass- e friend. I was stuck at the armpits of my teddy bear and she has saved me! I could have wallowed in those pits for a long time! I couldn't understand what the pattern was telling me to do. It didn't make sense. Knit 7 (Knit 2 together) four times. Knit 10 (Knit 2 together) four times. Knit 7. 2nd Row:Purl So I was all confused wondering how I was going to do that. Was it K 7 K2Tog,K7 K2Tog, K7 K2Tog, K7 K2Tog? If I had to do all this four times in a row shouldn't there be more rows? What the Fuhhhh? Now with the advice of the Great and Wonderous Sage it all makes perfect sense. And solidifies that fact that I Am An Idiot! Off to try some more -pit-tastic action!
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my ex husbands 2nd child. Am I wacked out or what? I can't lie. He's a fine looking man and if the first kid's any indicator the second is going to be a babe too! I finished the hat/scarf combo! I started a furry scarf for one of the other girls at work. I think that I might try a teddy bear tonight! That way I'll have something to do when I have to turn away from watching Fear Factor because it's so gross! Rave reviews on the new hair. Even from the elderly folks! Customers are so funny. Not just customers but people! They make me laugh and I know that they don't mean to. I think I've been in retail so long that nothing phases me. I better not say 'nothing phases me' because that means I'll get a doozy tomorrow! Example: One of the girls had a person today that was quirky. She pulled the 5 ton up for inspection and while they were inspecting it she stopped to show him how to use the electric gate and make sure that it worked. She reached out to the switch and the person stepped in front of her and the switch and pushed her aside! Wouldn't let her touch it! Even though he was doing it wrong! 'It doesn't work! It doesn't work!' Maybe if you let the staff show you first you'll know how to make it work. Funny, funny. I find myself that a fair amount of time when men are picking up a truck they will ask me if I need help to pull the vehicle up for them. Ha! Just makes me chuckle.
What an interesting day. Today I had to work a Sunday and do almost everything by myself. I'll admit I've relied (?) too heavily on my competent staff. Granted I haven't done some of the Sunday Stuff for years. Now since my Sunday girl has left I get to learn it all over again. AND little sis is there with me. She's a newbie and she's no help. Next Sunday should be better. Here it is! They're not the greatest. I had lil sis take them at work because my self portraits were awful! But you get the idea. Fuzzy pics because she was laughing at the goofy faces I was making! It is cool hair. Check out the swoop on the side! Still knitting the scarf for the scarf/hat combo for the girl who quit. Should be done tonight. Yesterday I made it out of my LYS for $20!! And no yarn! I picked up 3 pattern books, top down raglans, top down cardigans(yeah I know I could figure it out on my own but I'm lazy) and a neat little book of knitted teddy bears. I think it will be fun. I can't wait to try a teddy bear. Maybe I'll do one for the auction at the end of the month. Hm that's only 14 days away. I better get my shit together if I'm gonna do anything! That's all folks!
Lately I find myself wondering where the time goes. All of a sudden it's Friday and I have no idea how I got here. It that freaky or what? New hair, new project and other pics all coming later. Have you ever had a time where you searched the fridge and the cupboards and there was nothing to eat? I'm having that moment. I think I better get shopping!
Greyhound Collar pictorial First...pick a cool fabric. These are showing up much oranger than they really are. They are in rich shades of red and burgundy. Next cut out the shape you want. Elliptical seems to flatter the best, interface and back with polar fleece. Figure out how to finish the edge of the fabric beforehand. If you're not thinking you have to do a little 'fast on your feet' action like this. And before you know it...Voila! I think they'll pass. Also got this from Big B. It's Santa's Little Helper! The greyhound from The Simpson's! I always knew they were a special family. With the popularity of the show it's a wonder there's greyhounds out there that still need homes. Finished a scarf for one of the girls. Off to make a hat for my girl who's leaving. Yawn! I'm tired tonight!
I decided what to do next! I was reading over at Super Eggplant that Mariko got a compliment on her Mini Chic Poncho! I've been contemplating making one and now I believe it's going to be my next project. If I don't get distracted by something else. Hm. I'm about 99 percent done on my hound collars and all I have to do is measure the puppies necks so I can get them sized properly. I thought I might go by the measurements from the last time but one puppy has gotten quite robust. I'll take a picture when I complete the collars and you can see what I mean. Other interesting greyhound related stuff. Over here is the Greyhound Breed and Race Database. It has most of the pedigrees and race stats of racing greyhounds all over the world. Not everyone but look and see! Here's Valley Excite also known to millions as Ella, and her adopted sister Kiowa Zeke Mina better known as Sarah-poop. Interesting thing is that you can click and go back in their pedigrees to the mid 1800's! You can also find out if your pups are related. Looking back I can see that Ella and Sarah are distant relatives! I also see that Ella's dad had a lot of kids. He was a supersatar of the greyhound racing world. It's too bad they breed so many for so few champions. Rescue a greyhound! You'll never regret it!
If you had someone at work who was negative and always was a downer when you would tell a story or something, what would you do? I'm unsure. One of the other ladies asked her if she was going to be snarky all day or if it was just a moment. I'm surprised that girl still has a head. Snarky almost ripped it off! 'Keep talking like that and you'll know the meaning of snarky!' I -so- wanted to slap her. I know that's bad. C'mom...just a little pop? KAPOW! Could knock something straight! Anyway. Still working on the scarves for the girls. And trying to think of something cool I can whip up by the end of the month for the silent auction. My Kitty hat I made last year went over okay but this year I think I'll have to be more mainstream to rake in the big donation dollars. I'm thinking of doing a set of Voodoo Wrist Warmers a little shorter and with some fun fur at the cuffs. I saw a set on my girlfriend last year and she said that she paid a fortune for them. Mind you, I think they were cashmere. But I bet I can do better! I also want to try to make something like this but to incorporate my own little greyhound design on it. I think it'd be cute and a great idea for fundraising at the greyhound events. Or for keeping Korean friends ears warm! Speaking of hounds I have to do my friend's collars today. I'll take pics of the step by step and upload them on Sunday. I hope they like them! Terri is back online! Welcome back! Can't wait to read what you have to snark about Survivor this week! Another entry to 'My Guy Rocks'- Last night I got home late ready to eat and hit the couch. My guy had no dinner on and was lazing on the couch. Turns out he's been waiting for me to get home so he could take me out to dinner! Nice dinner at our Italian place with a nice bottle of wine. And a sympathetic ear for my work tribulations. And the VCR set to tape Survivor! Isn't he the best! Love him!
Is there such a thing as 'karma'? Or shall we call it 'sweet justice'? Evil, Almost Made Me Cry, Dude brought his vehicle back with a dent in it. It's going to cost at least $700 to fix it. If he had left the insurance top up on the contract it would cost him nothing. But since he accused us of trying to rip him off with useless coverage and demanded we refund him I think he'll be paying for everything. Including loss of use days and 2 days of administration time. Rental Car Tip #5-You can never be overinsured. Tonight I'm going to start on the office girls Christmas gifts. I made most of them hats last year, so this year they'll get the scarves in the matching yarn. I was thinking wasn't I? Today we got a new H2 briefly. Well you'd have thought some drop dead, gorgeous, rock star had arrived! All the girls ran screaming out of the office, jumping up and down! It was temporary insanity! But most of all it was fun. That's all I want them to have at work.
Isn't he cute? He's way cuter in person and his eyes will knock you out! Andrew McCarthy! I got to meet him! Very polite and, um, short. He is so adorable I'd like to put him in my pocket. Knitting Notes. So my little sis decides to show me up at work and crochet a nice scarf as a going away present for my girl who gave her notice. It only took her a couple hours..blah, blah, blah. It sure as hell isn't knitting! I was a little taken aback because the fiber arts has always been my territory. She's been the computer geek. Not fair to step into another siblings realm! Do you hear me? I'm going to work on my Black Acres a little while I figure out what to do next.
Do ya wanna see it? My Clie had a meltdown after I took these pics. Maybe my last pics for a bit. But lookee! A ScarfMat! Or a PlaceScarf! I'm noticing I've inherited my father's chin. Holy Crap is it busy here at work! All our computers shut down this morning and we had to do everything by hand! I've only just finished re-entering everything and tidying up. My sweet, little sis is going to take me out for Pho. She's the best! But then again... I am the Queen B!
Why does the guy start snoring and wake me up an hour before I have to get up? I tried not to get mad, really I did. He ended up with a very hard poke in the ribs. I ended up getting to work w-a-a-y-y before I needed to. Nice quiet day there though. I finished my Cable PlaceScarf! Or ScarfMat. However you wish to say it is fine with me. I should have cast on 40 stitches instead of 70. Or I shoulda had more yarn. It was a fun project! Pics tomorrow. Getting a bit of a sore throat. That's the guy's fault as well. How dare he wake me up AND contaminate me. Shheeeeesh. The things you suffer for love!
Okay, I'm back in one piece. Where does the time go? Thursday I spent all day in a manager's meeting. Now I remember why I didn't want to be a manager. Yawn! But I got my yearly bonus and I am thrilled! I never knew I was doing so well. Next week I become a property owner. I'll be buying half of the Savary Island property. Wow, I'm going to buy real estate with my boyfriend! This is a giant step! Why am I not totally freaking out? Hm... Friday was my day off but it was month end so I went to help my girls out at work. Aren't I nice? Not as busy as I thought. Which is good. Evil, almost made me cry, Dude was back and requested only to deal with me. Shit. How come I charm them and make them want only me? I handed out some candy in the evening but without a pumpkin we don't get a lot of kids. So I shut down early and curled up on the couch. Then the fireworks started. Every year it seems to get worse. Sounded like Iraq out there. Poor Ella went downstairs and literally stuffed herself into a corner, shivering and panting. Sarah was a little restless but she was fine. So my dear e-friend Terri is off to her new home! Wish her luck with the move! I'm off myself. Off to knit something! The silent auction is coming up at the end of the month and I have to take a couple of knitted things. The obligatory scarf and hat combo and something else. We'll see.