Knit and the City

Doesn't the title say it all? I'm a 30 something knitter on the West Coast. Expect to read about my life with the guy, two ex-racing greyhounds and a couple of crazy cats!


Today I'm very glad that we only have these sort of get togethers once a year. I feel like that song that goes "Me, oh, me oh my, wasn't that a party!" But it was such fun! We had our dinner (steak, again! I swear I must have eaten a whole cow by now!) and heard some speeches. I had to keep zipping up to the lounge to keep everyone updated on the hockey score! We met up with some of the staff from the hotel in the lounge so we hung out there for a while then at 1am we all decided that we wanted to go into town to a club. So we did! There was no one in this place over 19, I'm sure of it. And for a Thursday night it was jam packed! We danced up a storm and closed the place down. Fun, fun, fun. I don't think I've done that in years! I also don't think I've ever fallen asleep so quickly! Pass out-fall asleep-whatever. Today is quiet. Everyone who was out last night is a little subdued today. Wonder why? The weather here is glorious! Sunny every day. This afternoon we head back to Calgary and we fly home tomorrow afternoon. I guess there wasn't a flight available earlier. I'm trying to remember to take lots of pictures so I can show you what we did! Anyone know the LYS in Calgary? Anyone, anyone?


Holy Cow. I'm baked! This has got to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Stunning. I had forgotten how spectacular it was! We landed yesterday at about noon. This was after my associate picked me up very late and we had an Amazing Race style dash through the airport! We ended up at the gate huffing and puffing and were the last ones to board. Many a glare at us as we boarded! We made it though. Yesterday we started drinking around noon. Beers at lunch, beers when we arrived at the hotel, cosmopolitans before dinner, beer at the meet and greet, wine with went on and on. I kept drinking as much water between drinks as I could. I finally gave up and just drank water. The boys ended up staying out much later than we did and are feeling a little rough today. The seminars today are okay. You know what it's like to sit in a room for an hour and talk about something that is never going to be part of your realm? Boring! You get all noddy and sleepy and yawny and you want to spoon your eyes out. Now we're done for the day and have a reception tonight. Should be fun. There are some really neat people here from acroos the country. I haven't had the chance to knit. I did pack it though! It's up in my room next to the comfy chair. I think I'll head up now and spend some time on it before dinner.


I'm off to Banff today! I still have a little packing to do. I'm in a quandry what to wear. I've been wearing a uniform since Grade 1 and I'm very comfortable with it. Now I have to come up with 3 days of clothing that doesn't involve jeans or sweats. It's going to be a challenge. I also have decided to pack my knitting. I was waffling last night but have decided to pack it. It going into my checked baggage. I'm not going to chance getting it into the cabin. I got a call last night reminding me that there's a hot springs and to pack my suit. Bad news is I got the call late and have no time to -tidy up the lawn- if you know what I mean. I'll have to deal with that this morning somehow. I'm only about an inch into my sleeves but I'm knitting them at the same time. Whoever I got that idea from had a stroke of genius! Now all I really have left is the hood! Loving it still. I gotta go pack and mow! I love my dogs feet. I find it amazing that these teeny, tiny rabbit like feet can propel these dogs over 65 kmh!


Egads! Gaggles of Greyhounds! Greyt Walk 2004 And proof I actually knit.


Today my mom and I were supposed to head out to the Greyt Walk. That was until she just called and jammed on me AGAIN! Man, that lady jams on a lot of things. She did promise to make it up to me. I love her and she's my mom. The guy and I may still go for a bit. It's a beautiful day and the girls love meeting up with all their greyhound buddies. We'll see. Into the pit on my Right Front of the Cabled Hoodie. Looking good! They guy was off again last night and we did the same as the night before. Stayed in and watched a movie. Last night we watched Assasination Tango with Robert Duvall. Languidly paced and an interesting story. I could have knit while I was watching but I was enjoying the lights down, curled up on the couch time! Off to the couch for more knitting!


The day started out yucky and wet and windy but ended up fantastic! Sunny, warm and beautiful! Not only do we have lovely weather, my guy has the night off! Woo Hoo off on a Friday night! We just decided to eat in and rent a movie. We are boring, sad people, aren't we? Boring day really. Nothing to report. Weenie free day all around. I think I knit 2 rows last night. I plan to jump into it this weekend. After all what's better on a Saturday than to curl up on the couch and watch PBS cooking shows all day! Almost nothing. It's a ritual I adore. Sorry, scattered thoughts today. I best be going. More of Sarah and Monk spoonin'!


Well, well, well. I figured there was a 50/50 chance my new boy would show up today after the fiasco yesterday. I was impressed that he did. It must have been hard for him. I would have been mortified and so embarrased I don't know if I'd have shown up again. Later I got a phone call from his daddy apologizing profusely for the error they made in the dates and thanking me for having such patience with his son. Hm. Oh! I forgot to tell you this! The pups and I went to our friends to measure the birdcage for the cover. The bird is allowed loose in the solarium. We all went in and my friend had a tight grip on the girls collars. We were talking and the bird was sitting on the chair and decided he was going to fly over and land on Sarah. I almost didn't have to make a cage cover! Sarah took a leap and a snap at him! Thank goodness K had such a grip on the collar! Could you imagine? I would have felt awful! Egad! WTF is going on in American Idol? This truly is the decline of Western Civilization or the presidential influence of The Shrub. They left the red headed kid in and booted one of the only three there that can sing! Total and complete crap! Sing on, sister! Jennifer Rocks! No, I haven't been knitting. I have to go on a business trip next week and I'll take it along. Look at our resort we're booked into! I'm thinking I may have to skip a workshop and hit the spa! I'll take lots of pictures. Really. Pooper pic! Who are by the way at the perfect weight, unlike some others in our family.


Man! I was run off my feet today! Look out, long post, work related, scroll down for puppies and knitting news) First I had to deal with a work issue. One of my new boys said we shorted him 60 hours! 60! I was, like, holy crap! So as I looked into it further I figured out that he had gotten the dates wrong. He said he had worked at the beginning of March but all the paperwork I had said March 22nd. So he's stomping around and yelling that I'm ripping him off and calling his daddy and having his daddy call me. How nice was that? You think about it! Anywho, it got settled when we pulled up his interview file dated the 18th, but he's still mad. So I took a bold approach. In one of his ranting moments he stated he was going to give his two weeks notice. So at the end of the day I went to have a chat with him. I started with "So I hear you want to give me your two weeks notice. Is this true?" He mumbled that no his mom had suggested it because if this was the way we treated employees that he shouldn't work here. (Maybe I should call his parents in for a meeting!) That pissed me off. Here I am busting my butt to see if we really could have made the error and he's spouting off at the other employees, talking on his cell to his parents all day about this and being a big baby. I asked him if everything with his pay was sorted out. He kinda apologized. Then I went in and laid it out for the kid. I told him that his attitude and stomping around and yelling at co workers was unacceptable. Not only was it unprofessional it was disproportionate to the event. That I had hired him to do a job and that he didn't do it well at all today because he spent the whole day on the phone, slamming car doors and being pissy. I said that I was offended by his actions. Nope, I said 'apalled'! Then I told him if I saw that bad behaviour again in the next 60 days that there was going to be disciplinary action. I wonder if his daddy's going to call me again about telling off his kid? How many times do I have to tell the staff not to push me too far! I hate doing stuff like this. But he got me pissed off by accusing us of 'doctoring' the schedules. Why didn't I fire him? Because he's a kid. I almost fired him. I still may. Grrrrr. AND in the middle of the day the owner calls a meeting at head office ASAP! Ack! I still have my job but I swear my butt's a little smaller because it got chewed out a little! Other event today was a trip to the vet for the crew. Everyone got their shots updated, 3 had rabies shots, and everyone has to get flea treatments. Blame it on Monk. He seems to be the only one with fleas. Also found out that Monk is obese. The obesity scale goes to 9 and Monk is a high 8. He weighs over 20 pounds! Maybe he's causing my back problems! So he'll be going on a little diet. Don't know if it will help but we'll try it out. Also asked the vet to look at Monk's eyes. The little dude doesn't see very well. When the vet looked in his eyes with the scope I heard 'What the heck is going on in there?' Seems that the Monk has cataracts (kittyracts, har har) in both eyes but there's a bunch of other stuff happening in the eye too. Nothing we can do about it. It looks like it's a birth defect. Awwww... Monk-in! Rainman was blind for the last couple years of his life and managed quite well. I'm positive our little Blind Melon will be too. Still lingering in the right front of the Cabled Hoodie. I know, nothing new, sorry! Sarah say "Argh! My leg, can't-feel-my-leg. Fat-cat-mommy-help..." Maybe we should rename him 'Shamu'?


Oh! I forgot! My blogiversary was at the beginning of the month! Who knew I could keep it up so long? I've -met- such great people and have had such fun doing it. Who wouldn't want to show off their furkids all the time, huh? Thanks for reading everyone!

Well, hockey's over for me for this year. I'll keep an eye out to see if the Canadiens or the stinkin' Leafs make it. I'm sad my little 'Nuck-leheads didn't make it. There's always next year! My back is protesting again. Maybe it's allergic to work? Finally into the pattern on the right front of the Cabled Hoodie. Take a look at Nora's gorgeous completed sweater! Makes me all the more motivated to finish this thing! If you 'lose' your rental car and the keys, should you let the rental office know right away? Wait till it's convenient for you to stroll on in, say, 12 hours after you noticed it was missing? Should you ask for a replacement car for the one you lost? Should you get mad at me when I say 'No? You lost a $50,000 SUV. I can't give you another?' Just a question. WWJD? Finally I have a pic of the whole fur family together. Aren't they cute?


Weird that the colours look so different in each! The actual colour seems similar to the bottom photo. Can't wait to wear this one!


Holy Hockey, Batman! Triple overtime! I thought we Canucks were doomed for a moment there but we finally got it done! Actually it was more than a few moments of anxiety. One more game to go. C'mon boys! I'm not going to go out to the Fiberfest today. I can't bring myself to drive an hour out there. A friend of mine called last night and asked if I would come over and measure the new birdcage they have for a cover. I made their last one, so I'm gonna wander over there and set up for making them a new one. The girls are obsessed with the bird. They get up on their hind legs to peer into the cage. And then the lovebird nips their noses if they get too close! I'll try to get some pics as it's pretty funny. I'm one and a half inches away from the left front bind off of my Cabled Hoodie. I would have been done sooner if hockey hadn't been so exciting! I think I'll go finish that up now.


Is it me? I was all set to go to the Fiber Festival today with the Small, Strange One and maybe my mom. I called them both last night to remind them and to have them call me and let me know when they wanted to be picked up. Guess what? I'm still here and the phone hasn't rung. Wah! I thought about going by myself. I'll think about it and maybe I'll go tomorrow. Pissed me off a bit though. Well into the left front of my Cabled Hoodie. The pattern set up is a little bit different so it's taking me a little bit to get into the swing of it. Rented Kill Bill Vol. 1 last night. Hah! Tarentino is a freaking genius! I loved his quirky sense of humour that was all over this film. Maybe the guy and I will go see Vol. 2 at the theatre tonight! I'd like to see Uma take a few thousand more people out! Have I told you what a great guy I have? He just came in and offered to take me out to the Fiber Festival. Awwwww.


Crazy day yesterday! I had my list and thought I'd breeze through everything. I did get everything done, it just wasn't breezy. It was cold,wet and blustery. Started at the tax place. Nice to know I only owe $85. Took $75 to find that out. I should have done them myself. I think Terri will tell me I should have done them myself. I have a feeling there's a -dumbass- coming! Hee! Then it was off the the drug store, the aromatherapy shop, the other drug store and then off to see Frieda over at the Burnaby Knitworks. I went to get a zipper for my Cabled Hoodie. I got a zipper but I don't like it. It's too red. Can you believe I only bought a zipper? Today I'll make the trek out to the fabric store and get a proper matching one. Cabled Hoodie marches along. I still haven't made it to the back bind off. I'm working on it!


Something's different. Today I slept in till past 11. I haven't been able to do that in, I don't know, how long. I wasn't up late. Weird. We'll see if it sticks tomorrow. Cabled Hoodie has about 4 more inches to bind off. Then on to the fronts and sleeves and hood. Hm. May have set the finishing bar a little high on this one. Puttered around and about today. The girls were almost out of food so we had to go to the pet store, then it was off to the liquor store (not working tomorrow so a glass of wine for me tonight!) after that it was the Rona for the lock for the gate and finally we ended up at the Renzullo italian grocery for stinky cheese! Marscapone & Gorgonzola. It is heaven on a cracker! I love a ghastly, stinky, piece of cheese! Thanks, Travelling Gnome, for that. The new thrift store is next to the italian grocery. So we popped in for a look. We've been looking for chairs for the cabin. Something that folds up. Like these. Ha ha! Found one similar for $15! Woo Hoo! American Idol tonight. The guy quipped that I could eat my stinky cheese and listen to stinky singing! He's a laugh a minute. Still it's a good suggestion! Now for more knitting!


I got a week off! I got a week off! Man, I'm stoked! WooHoo! I also found some more of the yarn I'm using for my Cabled Hoodie in the same dyelot. So no worries about finishing that! I plan to spend ample time on that and may set the lofty goal of finishing it by Monday. You think? Another -most- of the day manager's meeting today. The good thing is is that we're meeting regularly once a month now so it's not the marathon 8-10 hour ordeal it used to be. Actually it wasn't like I had to work at all today. It's just like I spent a day with friends talking about work! Not bad... Rented the final Matrix movie last night. What is it Revolutions? Great special effects! I thought that by using the digital graphics the way they did (using it for machines and robot entities) that it hid alot of the hurky jerky movements that you can get with computerized animation. Story kinda sucked. Well, really sucked but I did enjoy it. Some guy named Dave got a new cell phone number. Only difference between his and mine is the area code. So I keep having to tell people "Dave's not here." If you're old enough that's pretty funny in itself!


You know you waaaahhna!


I think I was a cat in a previous life. Why? Because everytime I hit a warm sunbeam I fall asleep. Today I was out in the yard working on the Cabled Hoodie with my legs in the sun and after about 10 minutes I was fast asleep! I decided when I woke up that I should take advantage of this glorious sun and move out to the lawn. I did and fell asleep! I've officially reached the armhole decreases of the back of the Cabled Hoodie. WaaHoo! I'll work on it some more tonight. Despite my self imposed ban on working in the yard I did a lot of yard work today. Pulling some weeds and then deciding that the park bench we have needs to be refinished. I got out the palm sander and had a whack at it. I searched around for the green stain that it had been stained with originally but couldn't find it. I like the way it looks with all the distressed stuff so I left it and got out the can of paste wax and waxed it up all nice. In between the knitting, naps, weeding and refinishing I did all the laundry and dried it on the line(except the socks and undies. Uh-uh, not a chance the neighbours get to see my granny panties). Nothing smells better than line dried bed linens. Aaaahhhhh. The guy got most of the rest of the storm windows off and touched up the paint around the trim. Starting to look very nice. Next week, with my time off, I'll tackle the repainting of the front steps. I'd like to change the colour this year. They're a drab grey that matches the trim of the house but I think they should be a deep red or a batik/indogo blue. I'll worry about that later! I see that I got a little colour in my face today. Feeling a little tight and warm. I better go get some cream on it!


I did it. I ate so much I could barely move. Uncle Nick outdid himself this year. Roast Lamb, Lemon Potatoes, Meatballs, Chicken Souvlaki, Roasted Vegetable Salad, Tatziki, Hummus, Some Fish Roe Creamy Thingy, Pasta Salad, Greek Salad, Caesar Salad, Pita Bread, Baklava, Awesome Cheese Platter and lots of wine! I'm not a giant fan of lamb. The way Uncle Nick does it I can't get enough! Yum! Thinking of all that food after I ate all that food is making me a little nauseous. Ugh. Fascinating afternoon of conversation. We ended up sitting with a group of women. One was a Film Production Manager/Line Producer, another was a Street Nurse in the Downtown Eastside and the third was the nurses sister, who works at a fabrication plant that manufactures machines that make wood chips into MDF (I think.) We started to talk about the city we live in and that it's getting pretty screwy. Two days ago 7 blocks further down the street there was a handicapped man beaten, stripped of his clothes and left to die in the middle of the street pretty much in front of his house. It led to amazing revelations from the street nurse about what really happens on the street. Horrific, interesting, fascinating conversation. The guy and I waddled out after lunch and went to the office to rent a truck. We took it downtown to pick up a pair of patio umbrellas that the guy bought from one of the restaurants he plays at. They were going to replace them so we decided to get a couple. One is normal patio umbrella size but the big one is big! It covers almost our entire back patio when it's up! We'll be taking them up to the island to cover our soon to be built deck. Cabled Hoodie is seeing a little action. I'll work on it tonight and stress out some more about having enough yarn. Is the mall open on Easter Sunday? Speaking of tomorrow, it's a certain special someone's birthday! Ellafanella turns six! Happy Birthday Poopy Dawg!


I don't -think- I pissed off any customers this week. Then again when I arrived at the office today I found that 10 windows on the building and 7 vehicles windows has been shot out. Weird was that I never received an alarm call. I did a little looking around and figured out the the little bastards had used a slingshot and ball bearings. Enough force to crack the windows on the building but not enough to break them out completely. Left nice little pencil sized holes in them too. The car windows are safety glass so they went out with a bang. Glass everywhere. Dammit! It's a holiday today. I had to have an emergency call out for the glass company to come and have two guys here for most of the day. I can only imagine what the bill's going to be. Keeerist. No further ado on the cabled hoodie. I'll pick it up again this weekend. Tomorrow is Uncle Nick's Greek Easter Feast. Yahoo! I'm gonna eat till I can't move! Did someone say Uncle Nick? Or was it 'cookie?' And one of my little pansy pots. I had to get a pic before I forget to water it and it dies.


I made it to work today. I lasted through the day. I also found out that if I dropped something on the floor I couldn't pick it up. I'm feeling a bit better though. I do have a doctor's appointment set up for Thursday. Just in case. My new guy, The Gatekeeper, has decided that maybe this isn't the job for him. Damn! I liked him! Now I had the schedule all set up for the rest of the fiscal year and now it's all shot to shit. Grrrr. At least he made the descision and I didn't have to fire him. Anywho. I know what you really want to see. J Crew! Inside on my sad, vintage couch that I can see and know needs to be recovered. Look there's some Felted Toes in the picture! An' mah belly! Here he is lounging outside on the back lawn in the fabulous weather! Really darling, you look smashing! I'm so glad that he's done. I have a good start on the Cabled Hoodie for me and I have a pic from a couple days ago. Now I have finished the first pattern repeat and am starting into the second. Even my first wobbly, bobbley blends in and I can't tell there's a mistake! Yipee! I'm starting to panic about having enough yarn though. I know, why do I do this to myself? I know where to score some more. I actually did a swatch for this one and found I had to go down .50mm in needle size. Got gauge, did she! So proud are you! Lastly a pooper pic. I think this little lady needs to lay off the partying!


Sorry, Charlie. No J Crew pics yet. You see today I am officially on the injured list. My lower back was sore last night but this morning I couldn't bend at the waist or lift my knees. I think I may have hurt it when I slipped off the top step yesterday and landed hard with both feet on the next step. So I managed to get out of bed and into the shower but getting into my work clothes was a fiasco! Took me 10 minutes! I got to work and got promptly turned around by the staff and sent home. Took me twice as long to get my boots off as it did on! I've spent the day as immobile as possible except for some yoga stretches. The back pills have helped alot. More than the aspirins I took yesterday. The weather here has been fabulous again so I did spend some time outside laying flat out on the patio. Felt good till I had to get up. I keep thinking of that ad with the little old lady. "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" I've been making progress on the Cabled Hoodie. I figured out what I had done wrong with the bobbles. I left the first one I did poorly as a reminder how not to do it. I think I have to incorporate at least one mistake into every sweater I make!


Holy Crap! I'm freakin' exhausted! This weekend was ab-fab weather wise. The guy and I decided to go to the home improvement store and spruce up our yard a bit. We picked up some bedding plants and some herbs and went to town! I've neglected our planters the last few years and they made me pay for it. My back is killing me! They guy took off some of our storm windows and painted up the trim. I ripped out most of the grass and dandelions and freaking morning glory (anyone got a solution to get rid of that awful, invasive plant?) from our planters and put in some flowers in the front bed and some herbs in the back yard. On top of all the reorganizing of the potting table, trimming the cedar into a bonsai shape (the guy claims I was trying to kill it) and cursing the morning glory it was all good work. When summer comes it will be fabulous! When I was clearing out the back bed I found two asparagus shoots coming up! I never planted asparagus! I love it as it's an 'A' vegetable but where the hell did it come from? J Crew is finished! Yahoo! I started on the Cabled Hoodie for me in a lovely burgundy. I was having trouble tonight with the bobble thingys. Patterns are all up to interpretation. Actually it was me reading the pattern wrong. Surprised? Not me. After about 7 tries I finally figured it out. Sometimes I'm an idiot. Actually it's just the way I do things. I like to find my own way of doing things. Even though I have set guidelines I like to stray from them if I can make a better way to do it. For myself that is. I'm a bit of a freak. The guy had the night off last night! Yippee! So after slaving in the yard all day we curled up with a movie. Something's Got To Give with Jack Nicholson. Loved it! Laughed my butt off at Jack contemplating and then trying to walk up that flight of stairs! No other star could have done it justice. It was a great night. Now, with the time change, I'm very tired. I took a couple of aspirins to calm my lower back and I hope that by morning I'll be able to get out of bed and off to work!


Gone so long! It's been a busy one here. Work, work, work. I've scheduled some time off in the middle of the month. A few days in lieu to spend around the house getting it ready for the summer. Can't freaking wait! I'm banning myself from the yarn store. I popped in yesterday at lunch with a mission in mind and a time limit. Both of those limits I set upon myself were shed the moment I walked in the door. I stayed too long and never got what I had originally intended. I ended up with some sock yarn! I bought sock yarn! One day I may make some socks out of it! I also managed to find a wool/acrylic blend in PURPLE that said take me home. So I did. And managed to get in the house, no questions asked. J crew shall be done today! The guy has the day off so we're going to spend it together. Hm, that's going to cut into my knitting time. Ah, the sacrifices for love!