When your hair diva decides to take the summer off you have to take your hair into your own hands. I trust no one else with my hair. Once when my hair diva was away I chanced a trip to another very well known and very expensive salon. It was a $200 mistake. Yes, I spent $200 on my hair. I don't anymore. So I've decided to leave it. It's gotten past the really annoying 'in your eyes' phase and the basic style it is should grow out nicely. I did colour it though. And highlighted it. I could use a little more practice but I think it turned out fine. At least all the greys are covered and I don't have 3 inches of different coloured roots. My hair grows super fast. By the time the hair diva returns it should be past my shoulders. I think tonight I'll put in some bright red streaks and be done with it! I'm never going to finish my Cabled Hoodie by my self imposed deadline. I would have if I hadn't lost a couple of those Saturdays to the office. Damn! Work is getting in the way of my knitting time! I'll be packing a couple projects along for the trip as I know my mother will look at what I'm working on and ask if she can knit a few rows. I'll be bringing along a project of her very own. Maybe a BUP . Or a maybe one of these super scubbies! Just enough to keep her interested and away from my sweater!
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I had one of these as a kid and I loved it! I guess I really am a big ol' nerd after all!
I made it. A day off tomorrow! I was glad I went in to help the girls. They needed it and they were appreciative. All I need is a pat on the back once in a while. No losers today! One 'B' but she doesn't count. The guy rented The Return of the King last night. Giant spiders should be censored. Argh! I just about turned inside out when that scene played! Moving horror story. I have a friend who bought a house and is to take possession tomorrow. The people in the house HAVEN"T EVEN PACKED YET! Can you freaking believe it? New thing I learned about myself. At hour 65 of the week my back really starts to hurt and I understand the meaning of the saying 'my dogs are barking'! I just talked to my father in Cali. I was his birthday the day before yesterday. I remembered yesterday. Runs in the family. So I haven't told him I'm coming down! It's going to be a surprise! I told him tonight that I was putting his present in the mail and it shoudl get there late in the week! Wahoo! God, I hope he doesn't have a stroke at the sight of me! And my bad, bad hair.
I am very sad. I have no new hair. I was all set to go direct from work. I had all my little sweaters packed up to pass out. I was excited about what kind of new hair I was going to get. I was going to set the boys up and get everything done so I could leave early. Not so. We got slammed at about 3. It didn't let up until after 6. I got home at 7:30. I had to make a tearful call to my hair diva and cancel. Then I find out that she's taking the summer off and won't be back until September! Gah!!! I get to work tomorrow. That will make 70 hours this week! Then Whiney the Pooh had the GALL to ask me if I was coming in Sunday to help out! find a happy place-find a happy place-find a happy place 5 days and counting till I leave on that jet plane!
Where are we? Wednesday? Sheesh! Work is almost wonderful. Most staff seem happy, nice customers and crappy weather. We did get to see this hunk again. Billy. I've been instructed not to call him Mr. Campbell anymore. This photos not the greatest but it looks more like the Billy we see. Add a beard and it's him! Very handsome, tall and polite. Unlike some of our other higher maintenance folks. You know, the ones that want a blue car, any blue will do and then decide not -that- blue. We're down to the 7 day countdown before my trip! Tomorrow I get new hair! And I'm going to hand out all my little sweaters I've made! They all live over on the 'new family' side of the river! I'll try to get pics, really I will! I've been thinking about what to give my niece and nephew when I see them. I do have some jewelry that was my sisters so that takes care of the niece but what about the nephew? Is he really going to want those turquoise earrings? Or the cow magnets? Or any of the scads of cow stuff? Really? I want to give him something that was his mom's. I'm going to have to dig deeper into the box of things I inherited. This is proving to be quite difficult. I'm at the sleeve cap shaping for my Cabled Hoodie. Then the hood. Then the finishing. Then I'm done!
Another day, another dollar. Today I went in to work with the express task of clearing out the 'craptastic basket'. The basket where stuff that you need to get done but have no time gets tossed into and forgotten about. I myself am guilty of tossing things into the basket and not dealing with them in a timely fashion. I completed 8 accident files that were in there! Everytime I completed one I would run it up to the courier bag singing the theme to Rocky and doing my best impersonation of Sylvester Stallone. By noon I had cleared the basket out of everything except 2 items that are waiting for authorization! WooHoo! I was so proud that I rewarded myself with the rest of the day off. What a lovely day it's been. Sunny and hot! I got home and the guy decided he wanted to take me out to lunch at our favourite mexican place on English Bay. The mexican place is no longer there. Hm. We ended up at The Boathouse and had a great lunch. The ceasar was a little stiff and I ended up giggling the afternoon away! Such a cool place to watch all those fit people rollerblade by. My guy rules. Now he's going to make me beef tenderloin for dinner. I am s-p-o-i-l-e-d! Picture time! Sarah will try to squeeze into any place beside you no matter how small.
Gah, out damn spot! Out, Out! The 'L' is still on my forehead! It seems to have faded a bit and is not sending out the loser beacon as loudly as earlier this week. Yet still they migrate to me like moths to a flame. I think they love me because even though they're total jerks to me I still treat them nicely. I'm such a sucker! Knitting Mishap-I was supposed to increase every 6th row on the sleeve! I've been doing every 8th row! Damn it! Not so bad though. After I counted up how many increases I would have done for the rows I've knit I'm only out 2 increase rows. Phew. I think I'll live with it and that the stars above that I have arms like twigs! I think I may try a dishcloth or something just to take a break from it. But then how will I finish by my self imposed deadline? After all there's only 11 sleeps left till I go! Must go knit-must go knit-must go knit Pic of the day! Me!
Man, I've had the big 'L' on my forehead that last couple days! The one that sends out the tractor beam to all the losers and jerks and it pulls them in to the office. Then the voice tells them to pick the dark haired girl and be a complete asshole! I hope that wears off soon! I wonder if I can pass it on to someone else? I have been working and not knitting. I am bad, bad, bad. I planned to do my usual Saturday routine tomorrow but I have to work! Just 3 hours but it throws the pace of the day entirely out of whack! We have a very fine looking gentleman who passes by our office everyday. Chocolate Sundae with lovely long dreads. Usually about 3:15. We admire him as he strolls by and are quick to let everyone know that 'It's 3:15!" whenever he walks past. No matter what time of day it is!
Today I'm doing something I -never- do. I'm listening to music as I write this. I pulled up the iTunes and am wiggling my butt in my chair to Jamiroquai. I could get used to this! BRACE YOURSELVES! Actual freaking knitting. See I do knit! Just very slowly. Work news. I leave the office for 1/2 an hour and I miss this! Billy Campbell! Sheesh. Had a great weekend with the girls. I actually took a couple pictures of Sarah that shows some personality. Also my Ella was having a time as well! Now she a quivering blob of dog jello at my feet. The skies just opened up and it's pouring! Pounding on the roof! She's a bit of a wuss. But Jamiroquai seems to be making her feel better. It is feel good music! MMmmmm...I can smell the hot, wet, asphalt. I love that smell.
Sometimes I don't understand people. Well, a lot of the time. But if your boss told you 3 weeks ago you -had- to do something, then the week after told you that you -must- do something and then the week after gave you a letter that said it was -very important- that you accomplish this something, would you think it was important? I would, but it seems that some folks don't understand the meaning of 'have to' and 'must' . Cabled Hoodie Armies are progressing nicely. I didn't get to spend as much time on them yesterday as I would have liked but I will work on them some more today. I'll snap some pics as well. I broke the boss' digicam yesterday. It was in my bag and the bag fell off the chair. I guess it landed on the bottom corner where the batteries slide in as the latch that holds the battery tray has snapped off. Eeeeek! I have it rubber banded together at the moment but I will have to investigate getting it fixed or buying him a new one. Oh well...c'est la vie! The guy will be heading up to the island by himself while I head off to Cali. He's decided to take the dogs. I'm a little worried that they may be too much for him to handle. Not while he's on the island but the transport of them. He's up for the challenge and I know they'll be in good hands. I can't get the vision of them jumping off the water taxi out of my mind though! Pic of the day!
Yeah! Saturday! Woo Hoo! I still have to go to work today though. Hopefully what I have to do will only take 1/2 an hour. It's going to be a long month with the Big B away. I think the emerging trend of 12 hour days in my life may continue for some time. Egad! Not much knitting news. I so freakin' exhausted when I get home! Last night I fell asleep on the couch! Then when I went to bed I couldn't sleep. Sucks to be me. I'm going to try to do something moderately interesting this weekend so I have something to write about! Meanwhile I shall distract you with little, fuzzy kittens! Or one giant one.
On Thank God! My faith in reality TV has been realized! After last night's American Idol I was worried. WTF was America thinking voting out La Toya London! Good Lord! Then tonight when I saw that Rupert won the million dollars I was thrilled! He -so- deserved it! I went into total geek mode on Sunday and went online and voted. So did the guy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No progress on the Cabled Hoodie. Work News...all is well. What a nice day today until quarter of six. Pandemonium! I dislike working the late shift. Note to self-leave at 5! Pooper pic of the day. Ella being the love of our lives.
Just when you thought it was safe to back in the water...Work Attack! One guy gave his notice, another needs 12 days off to go to his girlfriends grad (wasn't it one night when I was a kid?), hired another Tyler (that makes 3 in the office) and have a parking lot so full I can't pull another car in! Always a new adventure everyday! Exactly the reason why I love it! Zipping along my Cabled Hoodie. I have no idea why I didn't take a progress photo this weekend but I think I was distracted by this. It's strangely erotic. It's my accidental asparagus growing by the compost. I had one but it seems I've spawned another! Weird and funny too. I have pooper and kitten photos! Buddy! 'Get that camera away from me!' Sarah! Having a tan! Hoo...look how dark she's getting! Ella! Being a shy goofy poopy! Monk! How you doin?!
Whoa...new Blogger stuff. Cool! Survivor Finale...Crap! I immediately went online and voted for Rupert to get the additional million bucks. I was very glad to see Jerri walk out of the reunion show. You knew what it was all about when you signed up the second time, sister! You can't whine about it now! I can only imagine what a tirade Terri would have written! Hee! Now I wait for the Amazing Race. Bring it on! Knitting news! I'm about 10 inches into my sleeves. I think I will be able to complete this one by my self imposed deadline! I'm cursing my gorilla arms though. I always have to add at least 2 inches to any pattern I make. I also took a chance and threw my Hippy into the wash. Came through with flying colours. My finishing skills may not be as bad as I think! Work went surprisingly well today. I'm feeling a little unwanted as anyone who calls looking for Big B will ask for the Small, Strange One next. What about me? I started this whole department! Without me Big B would still be struggling on his own! Wah! I just want to be loved! Somebody want me! Har har. Hey, I still get paid, so I'm not too worried. After all I still have to look after the ungrateful sots! And Whiney the Poo! Argh...if I see another eye roll I may spoon them out! I know I complain a lot but I do love them. They're really like a family. I love my lil sis but she drives me bonkers too! Surprisingly the only one who doesn't drive my loopy on a regular basis is the guy. Hmmmmm.... Tonight the guy came home from the store to find the butcher paper from last night's chicken breast out of the garbage and shredded into tiny, little pieces all over our bed. Ella got busted as her collar was in the midst of the confetti. Sarah was in the clear till she got up from her bed. She was trying to hide the paper evidence by laying on it! Funny puppies!
The ribbing is done! I misread the pattern (surprise, surprise) as saying after completing the 5 inches of ribbing the I was to K2, P2TOG for one row then continue in K2, P1 ribbing for another 6 inches. Nope, not it. It was just 'until it measures 6 inches from the beginning'. Wahoo! I'm now working on the increases and keeping them in the pattern. Kinda tricky as I have to count the rows of my cable pattern and remember to increase every 8th row. So far, so good! I'm so excited! I'm planning a trip with my mom to California for my niece and nephews grad. My sister gave them up for adoption when they were babies and it's only in the last 5 years, since my sister's death, that anyone in our family has been allowed to speak to or see them. The adoptive family's a bit paranoid and lot of holy roller. It should be a nice trip. Only thing is I'm going to miss a trip to Savary. The guy is off then too. I think he'll go to the island anyway. I kinda hope so. Maybe he'll finish up the cabin and next time in July when we go up it'll be all finished! A girl can dream can't she? The memorial service yesterday was very nice. Being there with mom was hard. It just brings mortality up in your face and you can't ignore it. The guy and I plan to work on our wills today. Yucky, but neccesary. Rented 2 great movies this weekend. Big Fish and The Cooler. Loved them both. If you didn't like Amelie then you probably won't like Big Fish. Alec Baldwin was great in The Cooler, and Bill Macy is fantastic! A great story! Now to tackle some laundry, knitting, last will and testament, dishes and breakfast!
Is it Friday already? How did we get here so quickly? Work has been a little hectic. Short staffed again, the Big B is off on his vacation, and one of my young 'uns is having difficulty listening. Today was a special day as we went to sales training. The kind where they videotape you and then play it back! Very good learning tool. I learned that I have to get my hair done, wear at least a little make-up and that I'm developing the jowls of my father. Enlightening, don't you think? I have knit nothing all week. With the short staffing at work I've had to pull extra hours this week. Leaving me weak. Har har. I've just come home and vegetated on the couch in front of the TV. Too tired to even lift my arms and in bed by 9. Sigh. Tomorrow I'm attending a memorial service for the lady we adopted our dear Ella from. She changed our lives and brought us so much joy that I feel I need to pay her respect. Ella came from Royal Hounds, a rescue agency out of Puyallup. How could I not go when I see this little, goofy face every morning? And all because of her? Now I think I'm ready to knit.
Picture time! Here's the views from our hotel. I didn't have my girls with me but there were greyhounds on the bed linens! More mountain pics from the moving car! I haven't asked the other folks in the party pics I have if they would mind if I posted them. Therefore no pics of us being a wee too happy, if you know what I mean. Trust me, when you see them you'll understand completely! First day back sucked. Short staffed and busy! Then a staff meeting at the end of the day. Yawn! I'm a little tired!
Correction to yesterdays post. Sorry Terri, but this is the jacket I had to have. This is all good because it means that Terri can buy the Lime Green one and we won't have to worry about matching! Working today on catching up. Laundry, cleaning, dishes, dogs, gardening, weed killing, knitting, the list goes on. Makes me wonder how my guy would get by without me! Just kidding. He did pretty good on his own. As long as they sell processed, pre-packaged food he'll be okay. My dear friend The American stopped by today. What a pleasant surprise! So nice to sit in the yard and catch up for an hour. Good thing she stopped by too, I picked up a postcard for her in Banff and now I don't have to mail it! Ha Ha! Cabled Hoodie is in the doldrums. I didn't get to work on it while I was away and now I find the task of 2x2 ribbing boring. I'm applying myself diligently as I'm over halfway to the end of this project. Only 9 more inches of ribbing till I get into the cable pattern! Yahoo! not. Planning on a nice pasta alfredo tonight. Yum.
Home Safe. So nice to be home. The girls went wild when I arrived! I think they were just expecting the guy and then to see and smell mommy was a frenzy. Now they haven't left my side since I got here. They're laying at my feet now. So cute. I missed them almost as much as I missed the guy. How nice was it to have someone to meet you at the airport? Niiiiice. Last night we arrived in Calgary fairly early. We checked into our hotel and then met up with some other people for dinner. We decided not to have steak and ended up having Indonesian as one of our group is Indonesian. What a treat, the perfect meal. I thought if I saw another piece of steak, potato, smoked salmon, and/or (gasp) asparagus, someone was going to get hurt! After dinner I was walking behind the boys with C and we both realized that one of the boys was going commando! Nary a pantyline in sight! No boxerline...no boxer/briefline...nothing. You have never heard two girls giggle more hysterically! Still making me giggle now! Later on in the evening we dropped two of the group off and walked around downtown in the financial district and ended up at another hotel's lounge. So nice to relax with friends outside of the 'work' enviroment. It may seem like I didn't care what other people thought this weekend but I did. I was my usual self, I just made sure not to step too far over the line and embarrass my boss or my co workers. We stayed at this other hotel's lounge for a few hours sipping port and ice wine and snacking on a cheese plate. Nice way to finish the trip. Today we went shopping. I noticed at the conference that one of the sponsers was giving away some luggage. I asked about it and was told they had picked it up at Winner's in Calgary. Today I found it and bought myself my very own set! Red luggage! I picked up a medium sized wheelie and a matching carry one bag. I love it! Then across the street I saw there was a Patagonia store. All Patagonia, all the time. I really had to hold myself back. This is a line of stuff that I love and have stayed away from for years as it's pretty pricey. I ended up with this bag And managed not to come home with this jacket. I think I did extremely well! Afterwards we went to the airport and caught a flight two hours earlier than the one that was booked! Yippee! Home, sweet, home sooner. Now it's time to chill out and relax.